The meaning of things
Why common meaning is important
Improving a linkedin comment on double negation
Pair Programming Approach
How is my current approach to pair programming
Three Amigos and Developing
Only 3?
How do you learn to paint?
Using the effective and efficient method
Some comments about pair programming
You don't need no microservices
The chances that you need microservices are small
An upgrade to Linux went sideways
Again a Linux Mint upgrade went wrong. So a bit of what I did.
Fixing keybinding stealing
Fixing when mhtml mode steal my keybindings
Some funkiness with iOS and CSS
Interesting discovery about the behaviour of iOS's CSS engine
Some thoughts about making systems simple
A TDD series
I have recorded some TDD videos.
Object Design: Roles, Responsibilities
and Collaborations, a reviewAnother classic that I have finally read.
The Goal, a review
Finally read this classic book about Lean Management
TDD, again
My current thinking around TDD
There can be only one.
Estimation vs ForecastingHow to plan your work?
Issues with the SSD on Linux
Fixing issues when the ssd mount gets changed
Car v Bikes
A Rev story
Pull Request
When to use it and alternatives
What motivates you (and me)
A discovery on what impulses me to do stuff
Installing emacs on openSUSE (and WSL2)
Documenting my installation of Emacs on openSUSE with Wayland
Why are tests needed?
Communication is the most important thing you do.
The Moonlander review
Finally got a split keyboard. Time to do a review
The Year Review
The year that was
Hands-on Rust
A quick review of the Hands-On Rust book
My free time
The gaps on my writing
Syncthing on a Raspberry Pi
It was time to setup this up
Double sizing your app in Linux
When you need to fix the size of that app in Linux
My views about Github Copilot
Github/Microsoft announced Github Copilot. So, what do I think?
More Secrets of Consulting review
I just finished Weinberg's book and wanted to talk briefly about it
A quick review of Javascript
I don't like the language, but why?
Gather Around
A quick review of Gather.Town and a digression
Safety I and II
A quick meandering from Hollnagel, Wears and Braithwaite paper
Discussions about programming
Some ideas after a couple of discussions last week.
Data store/backup tool
Looking for a new backup tool to substitute what I had
From the `we've always done it like this` we move to continuous evaluation
Tooling for my investigation queue
Trying to decide if I change the tool I use to keep my investigation queue.
Changes on Emacs
Some changes done on Emacs due to my new work setup
A review of the book by Forsgren, Humble and Kim
Four Stories
Four stories early on my career that shaped the way I think
Some thoughts and ideas about hiring.
Reflections after Codurance
Some thinking about what I have learned after nearly 4 years at Codurance
Looking into fossil
Small steps
Taking smaller steps is better than bigger ones
Lean Coffee vs Round Table
My comparison between these two styles of meetup
The Sum is bigger than the parts
In which I evaluate how teams and hierarchy interact
Context is everything
Whenever you revise a decision, you need to take into account the context around that decision
The clash of duck typing and api design
Or when the little things accumulate
How to win friends
A review, and a few thoughts that emanate from it
Amaro Soladana Carro
Or the effects of one teacher in my life
The Last Year (2020)
How was my last year?
Know Thyself
The way to improve is to know your strengths and weaknesses. And how I arrived to know myself.
Secrets of Consulting review
I just finished Weinberg's book and wanted to talk briefly about it
Introducing F# onto your systems
How we can start introducing F# into our C# codebase? Let's explore the idea.
Don't mix
As I have seen the mix of infra and software more than once, I want to put into words my objections to it.
Blog moved to Sourcehut
Why and how I moved to sourcehut
Switching font on my emacs
Some code that I did for Emacs when sharing screen
My Keyboards
Light analisis of the different mechanical keyboards I possess
Why change is difficult
Practical Microservices Review
A quick review of the book Practical Microservices by Ethan Garofolo
Terraform With Multiple Environments
I have used a couple of different approaches to support multiple environments for Terraform deployments. We will investigate them here, and look at a third option.
About learning and self-learning
A bit exploration of why learning is important and why you should take care of it yourself
Adding insert lines to Emacs
Why and how I have added functionality to insert lines
Work from home
How do I approach work at home?
Train Commuting
Does selecting at what point you access the train have anything to do with programming?
Multiple SSH configuration git
How do we handle separate SSH key
When and How should you do katas?
Emacs and Evil
Why Emacs?, why Evil? and some code
QA and QE
Where do QA should fit within your process?
Names do matter
Which one should we use?
Tabs vs Spaces
Which one should we use?
Dynamic vs Static Tests
Do we need more tests on a dynamic language?
Plugins for file navigation sidebars
I have been using NeoTree for a while. Time to look at alternatives
My newest websites setup
Or why did I put myself into doing this.
Active Pattern
A very interesting construct on F#
Pesky Mouse
Or how I can't longer use the mouse on my Emacs
Await vs GetAwaiter
A tiny bit of async in your life
Focusing My Effort
Finally I have decided to stop messing around with nth languages.
Use-package behaviour on Emacs
On which setting up Emacs for Rust lead to some nice discoveries
Busconf 2018
Some notes about the BusConf 2018 in Germany
An E-reader Story
A parable about design through my use of e-readers
Katas for Calisthenics
Adaptation of some usual katas so they have requirements that need to be considered for the functional calisthenics
Functional Calisthenics
There are calisthenics rules for OOP to improve your coding. This is an attempt to do the same for functional
Safety Musings 1 (Languages)
Where I muse about safety
Rest Review
Where I talk about what is, and what is not, the REST architecture.
Automated Coding Style (or why not to use it)
Where I describe my issues with tools like Stylecop and Sonarqube for documentation comments.
Which language to use
Are all languages equal? The answer is no. So, which one should we use? Maybe the one that requires less coding
First working Liberator mini-project
My first working Liberator mini-project, with a minimal amount of work being done, A Get and a Post
Emacs helpful help system
Emacs provides one of the best help systems that I have seen on a text editor/IDE. Here are a few things that you can do.
Clojure, Liberator and Emacs
A quick recount of my current state trying to get a rest API working using Liberator.
A Brave New Css
Small changes on the css
Things that I can do on git that are a pain (or impossible) on tfvc
There are a few things that are possible on Git that are not allowed by TFVC. Here I will show some of those behaviours.
Wat Weirdness
A couple of behaviours that seems strange (erlang and java).
Feature based architecture
Stop the presses!! Change the way you structure your application. No more horizontal layers. Rather vertical slices are the future.
Pair Programming
I love pair programming. Haven't used as much as I would like to, though. Some history here (pair programming and mine) that lead me into it.
Into Adventure - Part 3 - State
In the mind of Robert Martin FP means immutability. Here we will see what are the benefits and drawbacks of immutability.
Dailies and Tasks
There is nothing like a good discussion to revise and try to understand the process that is being used on your company/team. Dailies was the subject of the latest one, and here are some thoughts about it.
Into Adventure - Part 2 - Chaining
We investigate the idea of Fluent Style on OO languages and compare against the piping from functional languages
Into Adventure - Part 1 - Binding and Assignment
A small introduction to binding and assignment, a couple of operations that are usually conflated on OOP languages. On FP languages you need to understand the difference between them.
Into Adventure - Intro And Contents
Once you get into Functional Programming languages you are going to find a few new concepts and ideas that you have to take into account. This is the hub from which you can access to posts related to these new concepts.
No factory
I do have a dislike of the factory and factory method patterns. Mostly because I have abused them. Thanks to lambdas in C# you can skip them on simple casses.
A brief description of the shaving tools that I use, and how they relate to programming.
In The Beginning
This site, the why, the what, the how